Philippine migrant workers unite with working people in France

Solidarity Statement
May 01, 2017
Greetings of Solidarity!

We, United Filipinos in France (NPSP), express our support and solidarity with the working people in Europe on the occasion of the May 1st International Workers’ Day. We recognize this as a day of struggle and mobilization for social change and justice, and for solidarity among working peoples around the world.

As migrants who have been forced to leave our homelands due to extreme poverty, unemployment and state repression, we are one with all the workers and peoples of the world fighting for better wages and better working conditions both in the Philippines and abroad.

In the Philippines, workers are confronted with the oppressive practice of contractualization and extremely low wages, not even enough to provide for the basic necessities of their families. Here abroad, we suffer from homesickness, unstable residency status, the effects of anti-immigration policies and exploitation.

There is a great need to address the root causes of systematic and forced migration in the Philippines. For as long as there are no opportunities for decent jobs and livelihoods in our own land; for as long as there is landlessness in the countryside and labor contractualization; and for as long as there is poor social services — thousands of Filipinos will continue to go abroad every day.

We join our hands together with all the working class and call on governments to address the plight of migrant workers rather than taking advantage of our remittances. Look into migrants´ working conditions as we and our families have been in great suffering being away from each other and having to experience the system failures imperialism has created such as discrimination, racism and exploitation.

On International Workers´ Day, we join people from all walks of life out in the streets to show our collective strength and echo our call for solidarity, justice, and emancipation of the working peoples from capitalist exploitation.

Workers of the World Unite!
Long Live International Solidarity!

Nagkakaisang Pilipino sa Pransya (NPSP)

Migrante Europe

For references:
Marie Mercado, Secretary General, NPSP
Email: [email protected]
Mobile No. (+33) 771808910

Revd Fr. Herbert F. Fadriquela Jr.
Chairperson, Migrante Europe
Chaplain to the Filipino Community
Diocese of Leicester
Church of England
Email: [email protected]
Mobile No. +447456042156

Ann Brusola, Secretary General, Migrante Europe
Email: [email protected]
Mobile No. (+39) 3278825544



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