PARTICIPATE: Stand Up for Human Rights! Join the #EndImpunity Photo Challenge!


The #EndImpunity Photo Challenge is a social media campaign in support of the IPT’s call for truth, accountability, and justice as a public opinion tribunal.HOW IT WORKS

On June 16, to mark the ONE MONTH COUNTDOWN to the IPT, supporters are called to take a photo that represents the pain suffered by victims of human rights abuses under the Aquino administration.

To participate:

1.     TAKE A PHOTO of yourself BLINDFOLDED and GAGGED holding up a sign that reads:


2.   POST your photo on social media.

●      for FB– make FB profile pic and/or post on wall
●      for twitter– time TBD, twitter rally (retweet initial photo or tweet photo of yourself), since Wed is better for social media
●      post on instagram, tumblr, and other social media platforms

3.  Visit the International Peoples Tribunal Facebook Page<> for info and instructions on upcoming #EndImpunity Facebook and Twitter rally dates during the 1-month countdown.



IPT url:

Sample posts:

twitter: Countdown to #PeoplesTribunal Intl community crying to #EndImpunity by prosecuting #AquinObama
FB: Let’s put #AquinObama on trial and #EndImpunity. Justice for all victims of human rights abuses in the Philippines! #PeoplesTribunal

For more information, please visit:
In solidarity (and on behalf of the conveners),Angie M. Gonzales
International Coalition for Human Rights in the PhilippinesPaul Quintos
IBON International
IPT 2015 Philippines Coordinating Secretariat


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